BEAA Board Meeting Minutes 3-18-24

Bald Eagle Area Association

Board Meeting Minutes




Date / Time:

03-18-2024 6pm


Carole Moore’s House

Approved   4-8-24




Meg Rapheal (President)


Katie Philippi (Secretary elect)


Jack Jungbauer (Treasurer)


Carole Moore (Secretary)


Laura Shepler (Member at Large)


Jenn Anderson (Member at Large


Sue Wade (Member at Large)


Joe Boeser (Vice President)


Deb Donovan (Member at Large)


Brad Mason (Member at Large)




Joe made a motion to approve the February meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Sue and approved by all.   Carole will post them on the website.



Jack Jungbauer - Treasurer’s Report.

  • Jack not in attendance
  • Carole’s update on collections as of Feb 14:
    • $22,450 in dues. paid by 151 households = 36% 
    • $900 in general donations
    • $720 in Music on the Lake donations
    • $560 in paid dinners


Meg Rapheal – President’s Report


  • The Laker. Meeting with Carter Feb 19th: Meg met with WB press and the laker. The Laker has 3 mailings a summer and one around Christmas. They want to include Bald Eagle residents in mailing.
    • Board will vote in April.
    • What else would they do with the mailing list? Meg to ask
    • Carol and Sue send examples of what has been ignored.
  • Boat Launch and dam/weir issues: Boat Launch update sent email to Kristopher Lencowski on 2/13/2024 and 3/5/2024 – “Meg, and team, thanks for the email. We’re in the process of looking for funding. Just to let you know where things sit, we are currently prioritizing boat launches that have significant damage before those that need to be lengthened. Bald Eagle is a bit trickier, because the parking lot needs attention, too, so we are taking that into consideration. We have a list of boat launch projects out for bonding currently through the Met Council for our regional parks. Our priority would be Long Lake, then Snail, since both of those have significant issues and further erosion of quality could cause boat damage, then Bald Eagle if we get enough funding. Usually, funding is quite variable through the legislature, but we’ve had some success in prior years, so we’ll keep you updated as things progress. In the meantime, we’ll keep up with maintenance to try to fill in the hole at the end of the ramp as best as we can. We’re also working with the DNR to see if we can get any support from them for improvements to the launches.” He also said related to the cost for BE “Meg, these are rough estimates, but the boat launch portion could be $100,000-300,000, and together with the parking lot could be $750,000 to one million. The bonding we are shooting for is through the Met Council and divided between 10 agencies, so depending on how much is bonded for, we’d get a portion of it, usually between $300k and $2m.”
  • Update on fishing tournaments: do they cover their own inspections? Sent email 3/5/2024 to Matt Oldenburg-Downing and Justin Townsend - no general requirements for contest organizers to conduct inspections, request an inspector or even notify anyone of a tournament or contest; if aware of a tournament occurring on any lake WCD assesses the load and schedules an additional inspector if available; WCD policy for high use times is to conduct inspections on all craft but if it isn’t possible to keep up we tell them to forgo entering all the data into the form and just do the checking/touching/direction to boater. They try to track the contests-If anyone hears of any please do pass them along. There is the DNR list but that only covers ones of a certain size
  • Wild River Conservatory: recruiting volunteers to raise Galerucella beetles this summer to combat purple loosestrife. Per Carole -Currently, they can just manually remove it. Group decided not pursuing beetle program this year
  • Restoration boat tours – Carole has list of houses. I propose someone with experience with this lead this project. Carol follow-up. Boat ride or maybe pictures or a conversation
  • Lake level gauge: TJ DeBates DNR guy that manages the fish survey work on the lake. He wrote the other day that they are not going to do anything this year as they collected enough data over the past 5 years. He said that it may be something he could present to the group. He was at a meeting a couple of years ago – do we agree that this is ok? Not much we can do otherwise but we just wanted to create an awareness within the BOD. Meg to follow-up: Can they provide a comment about the outcome.
  • Bald Eagle Lake Youth Class this Spring/Summer - sent email to Steve McComas and have not yet heard back
  • Opinion of Board to not buy Shoreland Guides



Joe Boeser - Vice President Report

  • Community dock Joe will focus after dinner, maybe early June
    • Joe wants a list of deeded access. Katie to provide


Music on the Lake – Jenn and Laura

  • No needed updates



  • Deb soliciting auction items and sponsorship.
  • Deb host next month. All board members bring a bottle of wine and liquor.
  • Dinner: Thursday at 10 for set up if you can make it. Board members come at 5
  • Carole make check-in list
  • Sponsors on the website
  • Meg to send dinner reminder



  • Can Coolers as gift are here, dry bags are ordered (50)
  • Graffic traffic website – have a sign at dinner, notifying of t-shirts for sale.
  • Presell t-shirts at a cheaper price. Order through Shopify
    • Need JPG and price for web team. Laura
  • Laura will order corn hole



Bald Eagle has been delisted from the MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) Impaired water list. This is a huge accomplishment! Carole will check if WB Press will do a press release. Joe suggested contacting Minnesota Bound to see if they would a story. Joe to follow-up. Highlight this at the dinner.


Joe Motion to adjourn the meeting. Meg seconded and all approved.


 Next meeting. Monday April 8. 6PM Deb’s house